Inspection & Regulatory Reports
The services of Hesley Group are registered with, and are subject to, regular inspection by external regulatory bodies. These are Care Quality Commission (CQC) in respect of adult services.
CQC assess how well the adults’ services are performing against the CQC Fundamental Standards and associated regulations.
We also undertake to carry out a range of quality assurance measures, including unannounced visits by members of the senior management team who assess the performance of the service against the national standards and our own high expectations. We will always aim to exceed minimum standards for involvement and consultation, care, management, staffing, safety and the condition of the environment.
Other agencies carry out periodic inspections, for example Health and Safety teams and Environmental Health Food Safety Officers. An independent external assessor is contracted to undertake regular assessment of the standard of education provided by Hesley Group.
Board members of Hesley Group also undertake visits to services in order to understand how well they are being led, how effectively we are supporting people, the staff and managers views and the condition of the environment.
A range of visits are conducted to services including during the night by senior managers to help assess the quality and safety of the service we provide.
The experience of people using our services and their relatives is particularly important to us. Questionnaires, outcomes from complaints and issues from advocacy services contribute to the internal assessment of outcomes for the people we support. Residents Councils are supported so that people can influence how their service is developed. Family forums operate in our larger adult services (HG Enabling) and all services have access to independent advocacy resourced by Hesley Group.
View regulatory reports for all of our services at the following links:
CQC – adult residential provision
Meadow View
Low Laithes
King Street
The Paddocks
The Limes
Copperclay Mews
Dragonby Road