Health & Safety
At Hesley Group we are a people-centred business, committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of the people using our services, our employees and any other person who may be affected by our activities.
We believe that the implementation of this philosophy and the management of health and safety is one of its most important functions. Consequently, we expect all our employees – directors, operations managers, heads, managers, supervisors, teachers, administrators, care and core staff – to carry out their duties in the full knowledge that, in our view, health and safety considerations must take priority over all other matters.
In undertaking its responsibilities Hesley Group uses a Health and Safety Management System to manage the risks associated with our activities and premises. We regularly monitor performance and revise the Management System as and when necessary.
We always seek to provide sufficient resources to meet the requirements of current Health and Safety legislation and aim to achieve the standards of ‘Good Practice’ across all our activities. We also aim to communicate and consult with our staff on all issues affecting their health, safety and welfare and, in doing so, bring this policy to their attention. Additionally we endeavour to actively promote an open attitude to health and safety issues, encouraging staff to identify and report hazards so that we can contribute to creating a safe environment for people who use our services, as well as for staff and visitors.
We place an emphasis on training for all staff, to enable them to work safely and effectively, and to ensure that they are confident in the work they carry out in providing services for the children, young people and adults.
We carry out and regularly review risk assessments to identify hazards and existing control measures and prioritise, plan and complete any corrective actions required to reduce risk to an acceptable level. We maintain our premises and work equipment to a standard that ensures that risks are effectively managed and ensure that responsibilities for Health and Safety are allocated, understood, monitored and fulfilled.
We retain access to competent advice and assistance through the support of the Health and Safety Manager and external advisers when necessary, thereby ensuring that we are aware of relevant changes in legislation and ‘Good Practice’.
We recognise that it is the duty of all of us when at work:
- To take reasonable care of our own safety;
- To take reasonable care of the safety of others who may be affected by what we do or fail to do;
- To co-operate so that we can all comply with our legal duties;
- To ensure we do not interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety.