Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

We are an employer required by law to carry out Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.

This involves carrying out six calculations that show the difference between the average earnings of men and women in our organisation which are shown below; it will not involve publishing individual employees data.

The gender pay gap is the difference in average pay between the men and women in our workforce. It is different to equal pay, which means we must pay men and women the same for equal or similar work.

We are required to publish the results on our own website and a government website.  We will do this each calendar year in relation to the snapshot date of 5 April of the previous year. This report therefore refers to the snapshot date of 5 April 2023.

We can use these results to assess:

  • The levels of gender equality in our workplace
  • The balance of male and female employees at different levels
  • How effectively talent is being maximised and rewarded.

Gender Pay Figures

Pay and Bonus Gap 2023

Mean Median
Gender Pay Gap 4.8% 0.0%
Bonus Gap -0.2% 0.0%

Pay and Bonus Gap 2022

Mean Median
Gender Pay Gap 11.6% -1.9%
Bonus Gap 2.1% 12.5%

Pay and Bonus Gap 2021

Mean Median
Gender Pay Gap 6.1 0%
Bonus Gap 77.3% 47.6%

Proportions of Employees receiving a Bonus 2023

Women 81.4%
Men 64.2%

Proportions of Employees receiving a Bonus 2022

Women 0.8%
Men 0.3%

Proportions of Employees receiving a Bonus 2021

Women 0.8%
Men 1.3%

Proportions of Men & Women in Each Quartile Band 2023

Lower Quartile Lower Middle Quartile Upper Middle Quartile Upper Quartile
Women 56.4% 60.8% 72.0% 63.4%
Men 43.6% 39.2% 28.0% 36.6%

Proportions of Men & Women in Each Quartile Band 2022

Lower Quartile Lower Middle Quartile Upper Middle Quartile Upper Quartile
Women 69.1% 66.9% 76.5% 63.5%
Men 30.9% 33.1% 23.5% 36.5%

Proportions of Men & Women in Each Quartile Band 2021

Lower Quartile Lower Middle Quartile Upper Middle Quartile Upper Quartile
Women 65.65% 66.28% 75.64% 69.56%
Men 34.35% 33.72% 24.36% 30.44%

Understanding the Gender Pay Gap

Hesley Group’s workforce has more female employees 63% (compared to 69% in 2022) than male employees 37% (compared to 31% in 2022). These splits are representative of the care sector in general.

Our median average pay gap for 2023 is 0.0%, this means there is no pay gap between males and females. Our mean average pay gap is 4.8%, in favour of males but has reduced from 11.6% last year. These figures are significantly lower than the ONS national pay gap among all employees which decreased to 14.3 in 2023 from 14.4% in 2022.

From a bonus perspective 2023 was an exceptional year with the board deciding to reward virtually all colleagues with a bonus as a thank you for all their hard work through the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore the proportion of men and women receiving bonuses was much higher in this year at 75% of the workforce.

Across the pay quartiles the spread of males and females is fairly consistent between years with the exception of the lower quartile which can largely be attributed to the recruitment of more unqualified males in the year (males now make up 37% of the workforce).

The challenge in our organisation and across Great Britain is to eliminate any gender pay gap and Hesley Group is committed to treating all employees fairly regardless of gender and to ensure equality has a range of policies and procedures to facilitate this with a transparent pay structure in place.

I confirm the data reported is accurate.

Anthony Robinson
Chief Financial Officer
11 March 2024