Our Approach at hcs Specialist Supported Living
Positive behaviour support (PBS) is the framework we use for everything we do. It is values driven, evidence-based and practical. Focusing on people’s rights provides the ethical compass which guides our approach to working with people.
We understand that behaviours that challenge arise from an interaction between a person’s needs and the environment and strive to provide capable support environments which maximise learning. Holistic assessment enables high quality personalised support to achieve outcomes for people which are meaningful. PBS is a compassionate approach to supporting people to have a good quality of life and in doing so, minimises the risk of behaviours that challenge
At hcs Specialist Supported Living our mission is to enhance the lives of the people we support by focusing on their individual needs, strengths and aspirations. We aim to enable each person to maximise their potential and achieve a progressively more independent and better quality of life; supporting people to get to a place where they have greater choice and control in their lives. We seek to achieve this through:
High-quality accommodation and facilities
Every person will be supported to gain a tenancy with one of the social landlords we work with. We will work with the people who use our services to ensure they understand their tenancy. All the homes on offer will be spacious with the option of sharing or living alone. In addition, there is access to a wide range of local amenities and excellent facilities within the service which complement and enrich the lives of the people we support.
People living at hcs Specialist Supported Living will attend Mercury College, a service provided by Hesley Group. Person-centred plans focus on providing opportunities to suit the specific needs and aspirations of each person. The accommodation that people live in and the support we provide works in tandem with their attendance at the college; this is anticipated to be in line with the length of their chosen course of learning which is usually 3 to 4 years.
Speech and Language Therapists work to develop an appropriate communication approach for each person, which is then promoted by the support teams. This approach helps people develop an increasing understanding of the many issues which affect their daily lives and helps them to take an active and meaningful part in decision making as well as extending the depth and range of their relationships.
Creating a safe, predictable and stimulating environment enables everybody to be as active as possible in their community, leading to meaningful social inclusion. Helping the people who live at hcs Specialist Supported Living to live as citizens valued and included within their own community.
Trust and relationships
We aim to develop trusting and valued individual relationships between people who live within hcs Specialist Supported Living, their staff and family and friends.
Interdisciplinary approach
Our interdisciplinary model means that our starting point is not just about what people may need now, but also where they want to be or could be in the future. A team of experienced care and health professionals work together to support each person.
Keeping people safe
We aim to support people to develop increasing levels of independence and take risks in a safe and well supported environment. Our philosophy is one of warmth, security, consistency, understanding and trust. Our safeguarding arrangements sit in this context; our policies, procedures, staff training and quality assurance provide a robust and regularly reviewed framework for this philosophy.
Health and safety
We are committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of all those who live, work in or otherwise visit our services. hcs Specialist Supported Living adheres to all procedures in place under the Health and Safety Policy of the Hesley Group and wider legislation and regulations.
Our philosophy
The team at hcs Specialist Supported Living want people to be successful in their lives. To have access to and enjoy the same activities and opportunities as anyone else. To live as independently as possible and develop lifelong skills and build positive, meaningful relationships with the people who support them and the wider community.
We pride ourselves on offering high quality supported living and seek to provide the foundations for ongoing, positive progress for people who live here. The principal aim is for everybody at hcs Specialist Supported Living to live good lives within an ordinary, inclusive community. We support people to develop greater independence in their own home. Our approach provides warmth, security, consistency and understanding. A purposeful and calm atmosphere is encouraged through the professional approach adopted by all staff. Trust and positive relationships between the people we support and staff underpin the ethos within the service.
Equality and diversity
We are committed to enabling people to express their individuality through supporting them with their culture, beliefs, race, disability, gender, identity or sexual orientation. We do not discriminate against anybody who lives or works in, or otherwise accesses our services, in any respect.
People are supported to express their views, their hopes and their aspirations. Each person’s key worker and core team will advocate on their behalf. Everyone living at hcs Specialist Supported Living also has access to independent advocacy services commissioned by Hesley Group.
Planning for the future
We help people prepare for their future by providing a wide range of opportunities for learning and development, appropriate to the needs and wishes of each person. We think that it is important to understand people’s hopes and wishes for their future by working closely with them and their families and whenever possible we support them to achieve these.
We take a positive approach to risk management, based on a full understanding of the needs of each person. We work consultatively with the person themselves and all other key parties in designing individualised care and support. We monitor and regularly review all assessments, progress and outcomes.
A strong emphasis is placed on meaningful activity away from a person’s home, as well as within their home. There are opportunities for people to develop meaningful skills, as well as initiatives for people to access employment, further education and other community facilities and services.
Partnership working, clear and positive communication and respectful and collaborative relationships are seen as vital to supporting people well.