Contact Details

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Copperclay Mews
Copperclay Walk
YO61 3QN

Registered Manager
Bianca Young
Referral Enquiries

0800 055 6789

Location & Directions

Copperclay Mews is situated in Easingwold, North Yorkshire. Here is a guide to how easy it can be to visit us and the people we support.

Find us by road

Our postcode for satellite navigation is YO61 3QN. Approximate travelling times by road are:

Birmingham –  145 miles  2hrs 50mins
Carlisle –  106 miles   2hrs 10mins
Derby –  100 miles   2hrs
Leeds –  40 miles   1hr
Liverpool – 112 miles   2hrs 20mins
London – 221 miles   4hrs 20mins
Manchester – 84 miles   1hr 50mins
Newcastle upon Tyne – 72 miles  1hr 25mins
Sheffield – 70 miles   1hr 30mins
Worcester – 177 miles   3hrs 30mins

Find us by rail

The nearest station to Copperclay Mews is York which is approximately a 20 minute car journey away from us. Visit for train times.